FIFA Master – 16th Edition

From September 2015 – July 2016, I completed an International Masters in Law, Management and Humanities of Sport – fondly known as the FIFA Master.  It is a 10.5 month intensive Master’s Degree that takes place in three European universities and is headed by the International Centre for Sports Studies in Switzerland.

This degree gave me the the opportunity to live and study at De Montfort University in Leicester, England; Bocconi University in Milan, Italy; and the University of Neuchatel in Neuchatel, Switzerland.

For more information →  FIFA Master

Below is a summary of what was an incredible year in Europe and includes write-ups about the program that are published online, pictures from the many places we visited, short videos of our lives in Europe, and blog posts further detailing my experience.

 – MEDIA –

img_8494Write ups about the program that are published online


befunky-collage-1Pictures from my life in Leicester, Milan and Neuchâtel

 – VIDEOS – 

screen-shot-2016-09-17-at-10-02-54-pm-1Take a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a FIFA MA student

– BLOG – 

img_9342-1My story of living in Europe to complete my Master’s Degree